Once upon a time there were two parents who had four children. One day the parents woke up and three out of the four children were very sick! Now what were they to do? Though this story may start like a fairytale, our week this week definitely was not a fairytale. The silver lining is that next week can only get better!
Elizabeth amazingly stayed healthy. Daniel has been trying to be very attentive to her. It has been hard to keep her somewhere where Daniel isn't. This week I was playing "Pat-a-cake" with her, and she started laughing. It was very cute. She sure smiles a lot, and it was fun to hear her laugh.
Daniel was very offended that he had to stay in his room. We put up a baby gate in his doorway, and "trapped" him in. He threw a couple of tantrums, but eventually got used to the idea. He spent most of his time figuring out how to escape. He never succeeded, though was very close a couple of times. He did enjoy eating in his room however.
Kate was happy to be sick! She was a little jealous of Anna being able to watch movies all day in the basement. When we finally decided she was sick too, and let her go down, she went quickly. She actually was the sickest of the kids. She had several other secondary infections, but is almost back to her healthy self today.
Anna said this week, "I love being sick, cause I get to watch movies all day long!" Once she had watched every movie in the house, that no longer was her opinion. She is better, except for a cough, and is excited to go back to school on Monday.
Amanda is barely sane after a week of playing nurse both at home and work. The kids have been OK, but have been really pushing their limits with Mom. I think it has been their goal to get Mommy to yell. We finally went out for an hour or two of shopping yesterday. Amanda doesn't usually like shopping, but said that it was great to finally get out of the house.
I spent the week trying to avoid getting sick. I tried to spend most of my time at home in my bedroom. I did help Amanda out, though we agreed it would be better if I didn't get sick (I think I am a bigger baby than all three kids put together when I am sick). At school I had my class put on a small play for several of the other classes in school. My class loved it! They want to do more. I am not sure how much more time I can devote to it, but am sure we will be doing another play or two this year.
So that was our week. The Big Bad Wolf didn't huff and puff and blow our house down, but the Big Bad Swine Flu did make the kids huff and puff, and cough a lot. Our house did look like a tornado had hit it, but I think that we are all going to live happily ever after.
The End - - - of this week at least!
Merry Christmas!
Wishing you a very Merry Christmas from Matt, Brittany, Abby, Liam (and
7 years ago
I am glad everyone is feeling better! Lizzie is sure getting big. They grow too fast.